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Minority rules:
Scientists discover tipping point for the spread of ideas

    Scientists at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute have found that when just 10 percent of the population holds an unshakable belief, their belief will always be adopted by the majority of the society. The scientists, who are members of the Social Cognitive Networks Academic Research Center (SCNARC) at Rensselaer, used computational and analytical methods to discover the tipping point where a minority belief becomes the majority opinion. The finding has implications for the study and influence of societal interactions ranging from the spread of innovations to the movement of political ideals.
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What this means is we only need 10% of the population to understand how these few individuals are robbing us and enslaving us to transform the narrative society believes in, to stop them.

A Portrait of ISIS Terror
The CIA, Saudi, Qatar manufactured war to snag Syria

 Commentary by Rafael Zambrana                                            April 7, 2016

War is one of the worst experiences humans can endure.  It changes people bringing out the worst trends any shortcomings an individual has.     This video attempts to capture the everyday experiences innocent people, especially women and young girls, are going  through in their ordeal as the result of far away cold decisions taken by businessmen, politicians and military. 
Decisions they would never make if their own families were the target of their actions.Cold blooded decisions that obliterate whatever sense of normalcy people had as life experiences before war.

It is not pleasant, but it's very important we take the time to endure the message so WE can be impacted into action to do something about it.

I have dear friends who refuse to look at evidence like this, with the excuse they already know it's happening.     But my answer to them is, the point of being impacted by the video is not only to confirm it's happening, but to be shocked into action.     We have to feel it in our own skin, and that's what some people disapprove of, because they don't want to take the responsibility of being touched and caring enough to be hooked into acting.

When watching the visual account keep in mind the costs of the pain the riches sought by the war planners, really cost.       This awareness infused into the Russian electorate is one of the reasons why Vladimir Putin's overall acceptance with them is above 80% even when they are caught in a bad economic downturn due to the West's economic sanctions designed to topple his government by using the very old CIA formula over and over again.     The following names belong to politicians who successfully were forced out of office by having the CIA applying the same trick to the economies of the countries they were leaders.     While the accusations are exactly the same and the leaders are innocent of them, the people in the West are too easy to manipulate into supporting their governments while doing it.     It's a macabre lack of memory that is today being used against Europeans themselves by the many attacks supposedly made by "ISIS", but more likely are being performed by OPERATION GLADIO from the "left behind" NATO clandestine army.

Once we learn about OPERATION GLADIO then we realize who really is promoting terrorism, and it will surprise you it's a lot closer to home than the corporate Media is telling you.

This is a follow-up to our previous overview of the recent Belgium Bombing carrying every single hallmark of Operation Gladio B. I present one of the common trademarks present in all Gladio B synthetic terror operations since 9/11, and illustrate how Gladio’s terror operations always come with multiple forewarnings, and how, despite all the scripted and on-the-record forewarnings, the operatives are allowed to travel, communicate, and execute the intended and synthetically-created terror plots.

There will be more to discuss and analyze on this latest Operation Gladio B synthetic terror event. In our next episode I’ll be looking at what has already been taking place since the execution of the plot, which objectives are being pushed, and who benefits from it all.

As an interesting historical fact, the US ambassador who planned the Mexican president's death, was the cousin of the US ambassador who planed the assassination of Sandino in Nicaragua.

Francisco I Madero  MEXICO 1913                               Augusto Sandino NICARAGUA 1934

Mohammad Mosaddegh IRAN 1953                              Jacobo Arbenz  GUATEMALA  1954

Salvador Allende  CHILE 1973                                            Hugo Chavez VENEZUELA 2002

Manuel Zelaya  HONDURAS 2009                                   Fernando Lugo  PARAGUAY  2012         
Victor Yanukovich UKRAINE 2014                                         Muammar Gaddafi  LIBYA 2011

Nicolas Maduro VENEZUELA ongoing 2016                 Ngô Đình Diệm South Vietnam  1963        

Bashar Al Assad SYRIA ongoing 2016                                         ....and many others
In Saudi Arabia some fathers auction-off their sons for money, to go to Syria and become a suicide bomber.

(below we had a video showing actual fathers selling their sons to go to die in Syria, but it seems the shame of this action was too embarrassing for them to let the images to be public, therefore they took them out)
The raw, crude images shown in the original video, were too much for the people shown in them to be seen by a whole world following this issue, and the video was taken down.     Sorry for that.     I searched the youtube collection and there's nothing available regarding the same issue.