There are Good News and Bad News, but this one is certainly a great News when we see an important spokesman from a backward News corporation who fired him for stating the truth, to be openly challenging his Firing Squad with even more facts and getting an 88 million views audience to that from an independent platform, while the highflying News corporation who fired him is losing two thirds of its audience in the conflict.
Enough to dedicate a page in this outlet to celebrate the issue. It is remarkable to witness the transformation of a public person from holding backward, destructive narratives, to one who pays attention and uses reason to present opposite conclusions to what he used to state in the past. The power of the truth is recognized and is being worn with pride, although his income was cut-off by the wealthy pricks who fired him.
However with 88 million views in his very first personal video, I would not worry he will in fact be better off than he was when working for the crooks.