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Minority rules:
Scientists discover tipping point for the spread of ideas

 Scientists at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute have found that when just 10 percent of the population holds an unshakable belief, their belief will always be adopted by the majority of the society. The scientists, who are members of the Social Cognitive Networks Academic Research Center (SCNARC) at Rensselaer, used computational and analytical methods to discover the tipping point where a minority belief becomes the majority opinion. The finding has implications for the study and influence of societal interactions ranging from the spread of innovations to the movement of political ideals.
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What this means is we only need 10% of the population to understand how these few individuals are robbing us and
enslaving us to transform the narrative society believes in, to stop them.
Terrorists in Syria are
being Defeated
But not by the forces the Corporate Western Media is trumpeting
       Commentary by Rafael Zambrana - Article by Gordon Duff                  January 16, 2016

Wars are won and lost in the minds of people where the original battles take place before they become physical and violent.    The Corporate Main Stream Media in the Western side of the world has the function to make sure the minds of the people paying for the wars are "convinced" with effective propaganda to willingly support the expenses in money and lives they cost.    Even dictators like Saddam Hussein and the Argentine bloody military Junta during the "Dirty War" required to have the support of the masses who ultimately pay for the war costs, until the Junta over reached when attempting to appear as heroes by invading the Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) that cost them their dictatorship.

In the case of Syria the US is being used as the biggest military servant to conduct the attacks by the CABAL of financial families who have in practice been for more than 300 years, since 1696, manipulating and increasing its clout to administer the Planet Earth for their benefit.
The present Russian administration headed by Vladimir Putin has not been compliant enough for the liking of this CABAL and has been cornered into a fight for its existence resulting in the daily life of the country having been obliterated with sanctions and threats of war that could easily escalate into nuclear, and the end of civilization.
Unfortunately the majority of people in the Western hemisphere has been so effectively numbed by the avalanche of lies and blatant mental fabrications to manipulate them into supporting the criminal motives of their government's actions ordered by the CABAL. they're sleep-walking into what could become a nuclear inferno ending civilization as we know it.

Amazingly even with the onslaught of the Media's propaganda manipulation blaming Russia for the tensions, many in Germany and other European countries have been openly expressing their concern of it escalating into another World War fought in their own homes as happened in the 2 devastating World Wars last century.
The European protesters realize the US has never suffered the consequences of the same sort of devastating war inside its own country, as they have, and see the US push for it in Ukraine as another attempt to entice them into joining in, and many resent it

The article below by Gordon Duff explains it in other words.

As a minor aside, there are smaller players also, too many to count. Let’s look at one for a second, Raytheon Corporation. Whenever a plane is shot down someplace, Raytheon has an interest, the manufacturer of the Stinger, Patriot and other missile systems. Raytheon delivers nearly a thousand TOW missiles to ISIS and al Qaeda a month. No one ever asks why or how terrorists get regular deliveries of weapons that even some of America’s allies can’t buy without special dispensation from the State Department.

Does this give Raytheon Corporation a reason to want to manipulate events? Is terrorism good business for them? How about disappearing airliners? Is there money in this also? If they can’t figure out how to profit from this, I can show them how, but I suspect they don’t need my help.

When we take corporation after corporation and intertwine their management, their investors, the politicians they pay off and the collective manipulated events they profit from, and we add this to mass scale oil theft and market manipulation there and the massive fraud in central banks, currencies and the IMF, then war is only a business ploy, something else in the tool box.

Original article from New Eastern Outlook

The Secret Oil War Has Begun
Author: Gordon Duff

We have seen it before, more often than we can guess, manipulated events, phony confrontations, false flag terrorism, staged mass killings and a cast of characters, financial “titans,” sleazy Washington types along with admirals and generals festooned and bespeckled with phony decorations for imaginary chair bound bravery.

The war began between the holidays, Christmas and New Year. It wasn’t found on a battlefield, not all of it anyway, it was found in boardrooms, the public restrooms where business is done secretly in Washington, and in the Straits of Hormuz. Here is what happened:

The powerful Koch Brothers, whose secret donations control America’s press, not just Fox News and InfoWars, but all of it, television and movies, thousands of internet websites and even comment boards, particularly financial boards where rumors that manipulate markets are spread, started it.

The attack was two pronged:

-- Create a phony one day oil shortage by misreporting US production and inventories. That had to be done on a much larger than usual scale because of Obama’s new policy of allowing American crude oil exports.

-- Inform paid stooges at the Pentagon to report an incident in the Persian Gulf, either by staging one or, if necessary, even killing Americans and blaming Iran. They had done this many times before as covered in Jeff Stein’s Washington Post myopic on Veterans Today editor Gwyneth Todd. The Pentagon, in 2007, attempted to assassinate Todd, then working for the State Department in Bahrain, and blame Iran.

The oil shortage, 2.6 million barrels removed from the books, drove price up nearly a dollar a barrel. This combined with an imaginary Iranian missing firing only one kilometer away from the American aircraft carrier Theodore Roosevelt, had a powerful effect for 24 hours.

Saudi Arabia had pushed the majority of their flagging investment portfolio, run to nothing through waste, pouring cash into ISIS and their war in Yemen. As oil prices crashed to 1970s levels, they moved remaining funds into the bond markets.

These markets had been buoyed recently by Janet Yellen’s treasuries rate interest increase at “the Fed” after a years of cuts that had destroyed the remaining savings and money-market income of American retirees who had not been already crushed by the staged Bush crash of 2008.


This video above is explaining the details of how is it possible for the USA to have a 70% service economy while importing most of the manufactured consumer products it has stopped manufacturing itself.      Capitalists Investors years ago decided to increase their profits by moving the US manufacturing base to China and elsewhere, while forcing the US middle class to shrink without those millions of well paid manufacturing jobs, and at the same time benefiting the Chinese by providing them with the investment, the Know-How and the millions of jobs that are dislodging the US Middle Class from its former well paid purchasing power.

The result is the US Empire is hollow and in the process of collapsing because the Financialization of the economy is merely generating false profits only benefiting the financial thieves who own the process of deceit.    It's a SCAM that won't affect the thieves because they already are in Asia collecting on their investment.       They couldn't care less for people stupid enough to let their own brand new Obama president, to use the ridiculous excuse of "Too Big to Fail" to transfer several TRILLION dollars in debts from the bankrupt bankers unto the shoulders of the productive people of USA as THEIR debt to be paid for decades.

The facts are, the more people are fooled, the less they are respected by the crooks.


The video shows how the US government has been abusing the fact it has the "reserve currency" of the world since the Bretonwoods agreement in 1944 that many years later it turned into the "Petro-Dollar", creating it digitally by merely punching numbers in a computer for then exchanging them for real consumer products made in foreign countries at great costs and effort.

The collapse will be very painful and will last for many years, but ultimately it will make the USA again attractive to invest and manufacture consumer goods.       It's even likely it will be the Chinese investors themselves who will provide the capital to re-start the US economy.      It is then that the US working population will understand the meaning of having a Chinese boss demanding 12 hour days as they do in China, to provide "competitive" products in the world markets.
The US dollar by then will be worth a lot less than today, and the foreign consumer products will multiply in costs, making US workers think of today's times as a far away pleasant memory in the midst of a cruel new reality.

In one 24 hour period, thanks to bribes paid to the US Department of Energy and the US Department of Defense, $5 billion in illegal profits in oil and bond futures were realized, this time without firing a shot.

The next day, Iran announced that there was no incident and that the US made it all up. The next day, financial news announced that the oil shortage was a mistake and the one day rise in oil futures, which also coincided with a $.30 rise in gasoline prices for American holiday travelers.

Another $5 billion was made on gasoline price gouging, prices stayed up though oil prices crashed $1.37 per barrel in minutes. It gets even better. Coinciding with a one day short sale of oil futures, the carefully time “buy-back” may well generate up to $10 billion additionally.

On the equity side, the manipulation of oil stocks has to be taken into account also. Market trends are one thing, but manufactured crises with advance knowledge, particularly when timed with falsified inventory shortages, destroy all market integrity. Institutional investors who are left out of the game are burned but, representing a more serious threat, dangerous patterns emerge.

The illegal profits from Pentagon induced oil price games are used to buy and sustain control of increasing penetration of American foreign policy. Right now, in Washington, there is a rush to get onboard the gravytrain, nobody wants to be left behind.

Here is what is being asked to pay for that “ticket:”

-- Intelligence agencies are pouring falsified reports into the Pentagon and White House, pushing for increased sanctions against Russia and Iran, coordinating this with deep cover operatives in the CIA and key military commands.
-- Operational commanders are preparing a schedule of manufactured incidents. In the past, CIA contractors, a key suspect being Google Idea Groups, working closely with propaganda kings Booz Allen Hamilton, moved Sarin gas through Turkey into Syria, nearly causing a world war.
-- Media controllers, not just Rupert Murdoch, working with handlers for the clowning GOP presidential hopefuls, are ramping up rhetoric, both anti-Islamic and anti-Semitic, playing both sides against the middle, while pushing for increased black-white racial tensions in the US, the job of Fox News and InfoWars.

This guy couldn't help himself to be outraged about how the US productive sector is being defrauded of its wealth by a CABAL of banksters who have entangled society into a web of lies inherent in a sophisticated deceitful narrative that people have adopted as their own, extracting a great part of the wealth they are creating with their work.

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